Pitt Fuego

Why make a spark when you can light a fire?

Everything we see or do on our phones and computers is wrapped in code. And yet, many of us don't understand the first thing about coding or even how the internet works.

Pitt Fuego makes coding easy

We use hidden comments in the code to guide you in your making. Communicate your message clearly and effectively.

use templates to build pages quickly

build/alter pages based on design best practices

scaffold your learning and transfer your skills

develop your code literacy

Just Getting Started?

We have two templates to guide you through all the basic skills you need to get coding.

Download and/or open a text editor like brackets.io or notepad-plus-plus


The Electrate Fuego helps you language the discourse communities to which you already belong


Introduce yourself, telling the story of how you got here and where you're going.


Pitt Fuego Webtext Generator

The Everyday Coding Tool

Great for making and sharing presentations! Design information using industry best practices. Packed with all of the coding snippets you need to make your message matter!

Pitt Fuego has developed into a range of coding tools designed to help individuals use code to think and communicate in everyday ways.


Elevator Pitch Generator


Stasis Theory Machine


My Nature Study


Presentation Organizer


Project/Internship/TA Reflection


Directed Reading


Training Manual

We recommend using portfolio systems to process what you've learned and package what you've made. Any of our learning portfolios can be easily adapted into public-facing documents.


Professional Portfolio Basics


Bootstrap Portfolios


Composing Digital Media Portfolio